Privacy Policy

Kyofudo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established the following Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Basic Policy") and has implemented a personal information protection system. By ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and are thoroughly committed to its implementation, the Company promotes the protection of personal information. Your agreement to the following terms is required when using or purchasing our services.

1. Definition of Personal Information

  • ⑴"Personal Information" refers to the "Personal Information" as defined in the Personal Information Protection Act. It pertains to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual, such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact details, and other descriptions included in such information.
  • ⑵"History Information and Characteristic Information" within personal information refers to information other than the "Personal Information" defined above. This includes information such as services used, products purchased, pages viewed, usage dates and times, usage methods, postal codes, gender, occupation, age, IP addresses, cookie information, location information, and device identification information.

2. Collection of Personal Information

Our shop may collect your personal information when you purchase products or make inquiries. When collecting such information, we will clearly state the purpose of use and collect it by lawful and fair means.

The personal information we collect at our shop includes the following:
A) Name and Furigana
B) Address
C) Phone number
D) Email address
E) Password
F) Delivery information
G) Transaction history with our shop and its contents
H) Information that, when combined with the above, can identify a specific individual

3. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

  • ⑴To notify and contact customers
  • ⑵To provide services after purchase
  • ⑶To inform customers about various campaigns
  • ⑷To send direct mail or provide information via email
  • ⑸To inform customers about schedules for pre-orders, public notifications, etc.
  • ⑹To suspend services for customers who violate the terms of service or attempt to use the service for fraudulent purposes, and for purposes incidental to the above uses.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

(1) If a customer requests the disclosure of their own personal information, we will disclose it to the customer without delay. However, if disclosing the information would fall into any of the following cases, we may choose not to disclose all or part of it. If we decide not to disclose, we will promptly notify the customer of this decision.
① If there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the customer or a third party
② If there is a significant risk of impeding the proper execution of our business
③ If disclosing the information would result in a violation of laws or regulations
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous paragraph, information other than personal information, such as history information and characteristic information, will not be disclosed in principle.

5. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

(1) Personal information entrusted to us by customers will be appropriately managed, and will not be provided to third parties without prior consent from the customer, except in the following cases. However, this does not apply to cases permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws and regulations.
① When required by laws or regulations
② When necessary to protect someone's life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
③ When particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
④ When cooperation is needed for the execution of duties prescribed by laws or regulations by national or local public agencies or their entrusted parties, and obtaining the individual's consent may impede the execution of those duties
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of the previous paragraph, the following cases are not considered as providing personal information to third parties:
When all or part of the personal information is entrusted within the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of use of this service.

6. Security Measures for Personal Information

The safe management of personal information entrusted by customers will be ensured by implementing reasonable, organizational, physical, human, and technical measures by the service provider. Additionally, our shop will handle personal data appropriately in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and will strive to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, or leakage of personal information.

7. Compliance with Laws and Changes to the Privacy Policy

  • ⑴This service will comply with applicable Japanese laws and other regulations regarding the personal information it holds.
  • ⑵The contents of the privacy policy may be changed without notice to users.
  • ⑶Unless otherwise specified by this service, the revised privacy policy will take effect when it is posted on this website.

8. Use of Cookies

We may use cookies to provide better services to our customers. However, cookies do not enable us to collect information that can identify individuals, and they will not infringe upon your privacy. *Cookies are information sent from a server computer to your browser and stored on the hard disk of the computer you are using.

9. Contact

For inquiries regarding the privacy policy and handling of personal information in this service, please contact us via the [Contact Form] on this website.
Company Name: Kyofudo Co., Ltd.
Address: 7-80 Uzumasa Kawadoko-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture
Representative Director: Kenji Tatsumi
Effective Date: December 10, 2023